Review #653; Mezcal #73: La Mata Castilla Familia Tores

Mezcalero: Jorge Torres

Batch: CAS-T 15/04/20

ABV: 48%

Nose: Vinegar, Brine, Coffee, Green Vegetalness, Wildflowers, perfume

Palate: Medium mouthfeel. Heavy fresh green vegeatalness, Vinegar, Brine, Coffee Grounds,

Finish: Medium length finish, Vinegar, Brine, Bouillon, Coffee grounds, vegetalness, cumin

Rating: 4/10

This is really weird. This is all sour, acidic weirdness that I don’t hate, but im not a big fan of either. I can see others being a big fan of this but this is just a touch too on the strange side of the flavor spectrum for me.

1 | Disgusting | So bad I poured it out.

2 | Poor | I wouldn’t consume by choice.

3 | Bad | Multiple flaws.

4 | Sub-par | Not bad, but better exists.

5 | Good | Good, just fine.

6 | Very Good | A cut above.

7 | Great | Well above average

8 | Excellent | Really quite exceptional.

9 | Incredible | An all time favorite

10 | Perfect | Perfect