About The Auditor

Welcome to my review site! Since 2018, I’ve been on an exciting journey of exploring the flavors of various spirits, starting with whisky. As my passion for spirits grew, I delved into a wide range of options, with rum becoming my primary focus. Initially, I shared my reviews on Reddit under the username LIFOanAccountant. However, I soon realized the need for a dedicated website where all my reviews could be easily searched and sorted.

Here, you’ll find a comprehensive collection of my reviews, making it convenient for you to navigate through them. Whether you’re seeking information about whisky or any other spirit, I’ve got you covered. Alongside my spirits-related content, I have a few other interests I indulge in, such as running, heavy metal, board gaming, and video gaming.

You can find my reviews on this website, Reddit, Instagram, Rux-X.  You can also find some of my writings as a contributor to maltrunners.com which is a  collection of spirits writers.

Thank you for visiting my site, and I hope you enjoy your time here!