Review #21; Bourbon #14: Jack Daniels Single Barrel Barrel Proof

Background: I had this blind then was reveled the bottle. This is Jack Daniel’s Single Barrel Barrel proof, an offering from Jack Daniels of their bourbon but bottled at Barrel Proof. No age statement was given on this.

Nose: Super sweet, Strong caramel, but not much else there. One note. Hard to find the nose on this. Brown sugar, honey. Hints of earth.

Palate: Bitter, earthy, hint of brown sugar harsh.

Finish: Short, bitter, earthy.

Conclusion + Guess: This is not good, but not awful. Its nose gets your hopes up but are dashed by the palate and finish. The sweetness in the nose is gone. I guessed this to be a cask strength bourbon or rum with a high rye content.

Rating: 4/10

Reveal: Jack Daniels Single Barrel Cask Strength

Well I was way off. This is not the worst thing I had but it is fairly one note and the finish has a weird acetone aftertaste that is very off-putting.

1 | Disgusting | So bad I poured it out.

2 | Poor | I wouldn’t consume by choice.

3 | Bad | Multiple flaws.

4 | Sub-par | Not bad, but better exists.

5 | Good | Good, just fine.

6 | Very Good | A cut above.

7 | Great | Well above average

8 | Excellent | Really quite exceptional.

9 | Incredible | An all time favorite

10 | Perfect | Perfect