This is a semi-blind tasting of 5 bottom shelf offerings from a local friend to compare against each other. Lets dig it. Tasted blind then revealed to after all 5 had been posted.
Save Me
ABV: ?????
Nose: Rye Spice, Banana, Bubblegum, slight oak.
Palate: Artificial Runt, Rye, Oak.
Finish: Short, Banana, oak, spice.
The banana in this is so overpowering it has to be an old forester product. As much as I want to like their line, the artificial banana just ruins anything it could do for me.
Rating: 4/10
Guess: Old Forester Rye
Reveal: Old Forester Rye
Boom, nailed it!
Smile Back
ABV: ?????
Nose: Peanuts, Corn, Vanilla
Palate: Oak, Peanuts, Corn, a bity musty.
Finish: Medium length. Nutty, Corn, Oak, a hint of sawdust
This has such an overwhelming nuttiness to it, however it has this profile that makes me think heaven hill.
Rating: 5/10
Guess: Evan Williams BiB
Reveal: Evan Williams BiB
Boom x2, nailed it again
All Night Long
ABV: ?????
Nose: Ethanol, Musty, Slight sweetness.
Palate: Ethanol, little to no flavor, slight cinnamon, oak
Finish: Short, ethanol, slight oak. Little to no burn This offering just offers very little in terms of flavor and burn. Which overall is my main issue with it, it just tastes like nothing. Good as a mixer I suppose, but I want my mixers to have a little bit of a bourbon flavor to them.
Rating: 3/10
Guess: Weller Special Reserve
Reveal: Wild Turkey 101
Noooooo, my much beloved WT 101! Mhmm, it happens sometimes but it does happen!
End of The Road
ABV: ?????
Nose: Creamy Vanilla, Slight Oak,
Palate: Corn, Vanilla, Oak, slight sawdust.
Finish: Medium / Short, Vanilla and oak
This is the ideal example of a bottom shelf mixer to me some flavor to it. Not too deep but good enough for the right price. However there are better out there.
Rating: 4/10
Guess: Ancient Ancient Age
Reveal: Ancient Ancient Age
I feel like I did pretty well on this one
Life Ain’t Easy
ABV: ?????
Nose: Spice, Funk, Oak,
Palate: Spice, Funk, Creamy Vanilla, oak,
Finish: Medium length, spice, funk, oak, The funkiness this one has makes me think its Wild Turkey for sure, here’s hoping as WT101 is one of my go to budget offerings. Great flavors for the price, it will stand up to most pours anywhere on the dollar range in bourbon.
Rating: 6/10
Guess: Wild Turkey 101
Reveal: Weller Special Reserve
I am shocked and appalled, as much crap as I’ve talked on this. Will need to revisit some more.
Goes to show blind reviews are hard, even of stuff you know and have had.
1 | Disgusting | So bad I poured it out.
2 | Poor | I wouldn’t consume by choice.
3 | Bad | Multiple flaws.
4 | Sub-par | Not bad, but better exists.
5 | Good | Good, just fine.
6 | Very Good | A cut above.
7 | Great | Well above average
8 | Excellent | Really quite exceptional.
9 | Incredible | An all time favorite
10 | Perfect | Perfect
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