Transcontinental Rum Line High Seas

Review #1237; Rum #547

This sample was provided to me by a producer, distributor, or some other industry source free-of-charge. No compensation, outside of the sample, was received and there were no strings attached.

This bottling done by La Maison & Velier is a blend of three different rums. This is a blend of tropically aged rum from Panama, unaged high ester Jamaican rum, and unaged grand arome rum from Martinique. This multi-island blend was designed for mixing and cocktail making. Let us see how it does neat.

Distillery: Blend of 3 Distilleries (Uknown)

Bottler: La Maison & Velier

Region: Panama, Jamaica, and Martinique

Still: Pot & Coumn

ABV: 45%

Nose: Fruity, Pineapple, Vanilla, touch of brine, allspice, Black Pepper

Palate: Medium mouthfeel, Cinnamon, Pineapple, Vanilla, Brine, Allspice, Black Pepper

Finish: Medium length finish, Pineapple, Vanilla, Brine, Allspice

Rating: 6/10

As a cocktail based product I can see why they made the blend that they did. Even for being 45% this has some really strong flavors, which are anchored by the Grand Arome based on my neat tasting experience as that briney flavor is the backbone here. The vanilla and pineapple I would guess are from the Panama and Jamaican component. I like this neat but it may come off a bit unbalanced for neat consumption, but I’ll have to give this a try in a daiquiri to give it a fair shake.